

Quick Order

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Quick Order serivce is only available for registered members. Not a member yet? Click here to join for FREE!

Please read the site terms before placing your order. All information will be kept confidential and will not be made public.

  1. Only place your order if you are 100% sure of your purchase and you are able to make payment within 24 hours.

  2. Send an SMS to us with the following information:
    Please fill in all the details accurately to speed up the order process.
    Item Code:
    Your Member ID:
    Your Contact No.:
    Your Preferred Payment Method: *iBanking/ATM Funds Transfer/Paypal
    Your Preferred Delivery Method: *Local/Internaional Normal/Registered Mail
    *Please delete where applicable.

  3. You will receive a confirmation email for your order. Upon confirmation, you will receive an invoice from us containing the total payable price (incl. of postage) and invoice no.
    Please send payment within 24 hours.

  4. Reply to the e-mail containing your invoice with the following information:

    Name: Your real name for mailing.
    Address: Please make sure it is the correct address!

    Via IBanking
    IB Nick:
    Amount Transferred:
    Transaction Reference:

    Via ATM Funds Transfer
    Amount Transferred:
    Transaction Reference:
    Please include a scan/snapshot of your receipt!

    Via Paypal Funds Transfer to
    Paypal E-mail Address/Name:
    Amount Transferred:
    Transaction Reference:

  5. Check your email regularly for our response. If we do not respond within 24 hours, kindly notify us via e-mail

  6. If you wish to withdraw your order, please reply to our confirmation e-mail informing us of your decision. Cancellations are not accepted once you have CONFIRMED your order. Such cases will be listed on the Wall of Shame.

  7. We do not accept trades/swaps, nor do we entertain negotiations/haggling.

  8. Good sold are non-exchangeable and non-refundable.

Order Now!